The next star gazing evening is:
Sunday, 24 September, 2023 – 18:30 at the JHB Observatory.
Tickets booked through https://qkt.io/ONoJTS
Members, please feel free to bring your telescopes/binoculars.
We will also have the Jacobs and Popadopolis Domes running.
Operation of the Innes Telescope is dependent on the loadshedding schedule for that day.
Due to the very limited space at the top of the hill, parking will be restricted to the shaded car park by the Innes dome. But drop-offs for people and equipment at the top of the hill is fine.
Please RSVP to secretary@assajhb.org so we can know numbers.
Please remember, we are always at the mercy of the weather.
If it is too overcast or rainy, we may have to cancel at short notice. We will post updates here and on Facebook.